Eva Claessens show at the iconic Lovell Health House


Belgian-born, Uruguay-based contemporary artist Eva Claessens has long looked for an appropriate space in the U.S. in which to debut her work. Now a happy confluence of events has her showing her unframed paintings for two days within an extraordinary setting.

Opening image by Elizabeth Daniels; other images by Yoshihiro Makino​

For the first time, this exhibition, which runs through this Tuesday, February 25, 2020, turns Richard Neutra’s Lovell Health House, which is up for sale, into a gallery. The unframed paintings will be displayed throughout the 4800 square foot house.

“I live my life very much the same way as Dr. Lovell did, and my work reflects this,” says Claessens. Neutra designed the home in 1929 for naturopathic doctor and Los Angeles health columnist Dr. Philip Lovell. The house boasted sleeping porches, areas for nude sunbathing, an outdoor gym and schoolroom, windows that let in extra UV rays and a kitchen designed for a strict vegetarian diet. Lovell, a nutritional advocate who embraced raw foods and sunbathing, simply wanted his new home to reflect his beliefs.

The house elevated Neutra’s career; it’s renowned for its many innovations including the unique construction techniques which allowed it to cling to the side of the steep hills, breathing in both a panoramic views of Los Angeles and of the lush, almost tropical greenery below. A concrete walkway acts as a bridge from the street to the house, pulling visitors into the home’s upper level. A staircase lit by dozens of glass paned windows ushers them downstairs, to the main living room, the terraced backyard and the pool below.

To schedule a tour of the home, contact Giulietta Garzon at 323.804.6885 or via email at giuliettagarzon@gmail.com

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